Maze on Mars
After years of communicating with an underground civilization on Mars and exchanging various technological gifts by probe, Earth sends the first team of ambassadorial explorers, led by TJ Tubb. But after landing on the surface, the mission to establish a peaceful relationship with the secretive Martian government comes to a halt. TJ is suddenly betrayed and stunned by his team, who have struck some unknown deal with the alien military.
TJ wakes up alone in a strange place. He doesn’t know what his enemies’ malicious intentions are, but one thing is certain – no one on the planet, alien or human, will help him find his way back home. Can TJ fight his way through the perilous twists and turns of the Martian underground?
It is up to you to explore the alien environment, learn why you have been betrayed, and finally encounter the Martians face to face. You must find hidden paths, discover secrets, and collect useful tools in this retro-style, open-world adventure.